BACK of the head:
Section off a clean part in your hair in the back middle of your head (around ear level). Next, gather a 1/4"-1/2" section of your hair and underneath that section of hair place with one hand one of the 6" extensions strips under that section of hair, holding the extension in place. **Your natural hair should be covering all the magnets/extension strip**
Then using your other free hand, grab the other 6" extension strip. Place extension strip over your natural hair and the other extension... connecting the extension strips together with the magnets starting from one end, to the middle, then the other end. The magnets are really good at finding each other! **These are strong magnets, so if you need to make adjustments to the extensions after it is placed simply slide magnets apart using a up and down motion with your fingers and adjust as needed.**

side of the head:
Slightly above each ear (or around that area) place each of the 2.5” hair extensions sandwiching your natural hair.
Next, place each of the 1” hair extension pieces on both sides of the head where you would like more hair/volume.
Side Note: We HIGHLY encourage that when separating the extensions or taking them out that you slide the magnets apart pressing your fingers on the strip of extensions where the magnet is, and using a up and down motion with your fingers sliding the extensions apart from each other and from your hair. Refer to how to video.